LARC 2-Meter Net

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Every Thursday, at 8:00 pm, the Livonia Amateur Radio Club host our weekly 2-Meter Net.  The purpose of this net is to provide an opportunity for amateur radio operators to share topics of interest in a controlled communication environment.  

This is a directed net, and no transmissions are allowed without permission of Net Control.  You do not need to be a member of the Livonia Amateur Radio club to join this net, all licensed amateur radio operators are welcome to check in

Our clubs Net Manager is Hiro Wakamatsu, AD8AE.

Every week, a different member of our club hosts the net as Net Control. The schedule is posted on our Calendar and will be listed here as well.  

2-Meter Net Preamble (Net Control Script)

*Un-key at the end of each paragraph to allow the repeater “drop”. You will hear the repeater stop transmitting (usually a short burst of static).

*Blue text is instructions. Red text includes information you will need prior to starting the net.

[Announce @ 19:59]
This is [give your call sign].  Please stand by for the Livonia Amateur Radio Club Net starting in one minute.

[Begin @ 20:00]
Good Evening!  This is [give your call sign phonetically] and I am Net Control for the Livonia Amateur Radio Club 2-Meter Net this evening.  My name is [Your first name] and my station is located in [give your location].  This net meets every Thursday at 8:00 PM on the 145.35 MHz Livonia Repeater K8UNS and on Echo Link at K8UNS-R, Livonia, MI.

The purpose of the net is to provide an opportunity for amateur radio operators to share topics of interest in a controlled communication environment.  This is a directed net, and no transmissions are allowed without the permission of Net Control.  You do not need to be a member of the Livonia Amateur Radio Club to join this net. All licensed amateur radio operators are welcome and encouraged to check-in.

The Livonia Amateur Radio Club has been affiliated with the American Radio Relay League since February 7, 1976.  We meet at 7:00 PM on the 4th Monday of each month at the Livonia Civic Center Library except in the months of July, August, and December.  Our next general meeting will be Monday, [give the date of next meeting]. For more information about the Livonia Amateur Radio Club, please visit our website at

After check-ins, we will proceed to sharing comments with the net. Tonight’s discussion topic is [give tonight’s topic from the website]. The weekly discussion topic is meant to engage net participants in new ideas, and hopefully learn something new. Comments are not limited to tonight’s discussion topic, so feel free to share anything you wish with the net. To propose a discussion topic, please email our Net Manager at

Check-in procedures are as follows: We will begin with mobile stations, followed by club officers, then EchoLink Stations, and finally base stations.  If you are a base station, you will check into the net by call sign suffix as I call off sections of the alphabet. If you have priority traffic or an announcement, please advise Net Control when you check in.  As always, a proper check in is your call sign spoken phonetically, followed by your first name and your location, and all given SLOWLY.

  • Mobile Stations please call now
    • Net Control Recognizes …
      (list stations, names, status (short time/”in and out”), and announcements)
  • LARC Club Officers please call now
    • Net Control Recognizes …
      (list stations, names, status (short time/”in and out”), and announcements)
  • EchoLink Stations, please check-in in the order you are listed in EchoLink.  EchoLink Stations Please call in now.
    • Net Control Recognizes …
      (list stations, names, status (short time/”in and out”), and announcements)
  • Base Stations, Alpha through Hotel, please call now
    • Net Control Recognizes …
      (list stations, names, status (short time/”in and out”), and announcements)
  • Stations India through Papa, please call now
    • Net Control Recognizes …
      (list stations, names, status (short time/”in and out”), and announcements)
  • Stations Quebec through Zulu, please call now
    • Net Control Recognizes …
      (list stations, names, status (short time/”in and out”), and announcements)

[If any stations have indicated that they have an announcement, call the stations one at a time and allow each to proceed with their announcement.]

We will start back at the top of the list for any comment or information you would like to share with the group.

[Call each station in order of check in, and ask for comments]

This is [give your call sign], Net Control for the Livonia Amateur Radio Club.  Are there any additional stations that would like to check in at this time?  [If so, recognize them, and allow them to give comments as above]
Are there any items for the Corkboard?  The Corkboard is for anyone wanting to buy or sell amateur radio equipment or accessories.  As always, please discuss prices off the air. Stations with items for the corkboard, please call now.

Are there any topics needing a Helping Hand? The Helping Hand portion of the net is for anyone needing information or hands-on assistance on any amateur radio topic or task. Stations needing a Helping Hand with any topic or project, please call now.

Are there any stations that can offer information or support to [station] with his/her [topic]? Please call now.

If there any further business for the net before I close tonight’s session?

[If nothing] Hearing nothing, this concludes the Livonia Amateur Radio Club 2-Meter Net. I would like to thank you all for participating and also for sharing your comments with us. Don’t forget, next week’s discussion topic is [give next week’s topic from the website]. The repeater is now returned to normal amateur use at [give local time] PM Local Time.

73 everyone. This is [Give your call sign], Clear.