LARC in the Park – Saturdays in May and June – ANTENNAS: Learn & Build

This month’s LARC In The Park is the first in a 3-part series on homebrewing antennas, specifically wire antennas, with inexpensive (or even free!) components.

On Saturday March 9, 9:30AM, at the Livonia PD EOC, we’ve taken a look at basic antenna theory and design, survey the landscape of antenna types available to us as amateurs, and discuss wire antennas in particular. We’re aiming for the goal of having those interested build either an end-fed half wave or end-fed random wire antenna. End-fed antennas have become very popular lately because of their low cost, ease of deployment and outstanding performance. We’ll take orders for components or provide component lists if you want to source parts yourself.
The May and June sessions will take place at Bien Park and will be open to all.
(April LARC In The Park on 4/19 is the club’s annual operating event in the Michigan QSO party.

In May (5/11) we’ll actually build  end-fed half wave and end-fed random wire antennas. We’ll provide soldering equipment and lots of guidance while you build your antennas. 

Finally in June, (6/10) and just in time for ARRL Field Day, we’ll get our new antennas on the air! We’ll show you how to deploy the antennas and we’ll also have antenna analyzers available to enable us to measure performance and help to tune and tweak.

If you have any special knowledge or experience in antenna homebrewing, please come out to LARC In The Park on March 9 and share your expertise! Also feel free to bring along any self-built antennas for show and tell. We hope this series brings together the collective wisdom of the entire membership body of LARC and provides an opportunity to share in the wealth of knowledge in the club.

Thanks to Joe, KE8DOU and John, K8YYZ for setting up this program!