ARRL License Exam Session

Date(s) - 03/15/23
7:00 pm - 9:15 pm

Livonia Police Department - EOC


Please send an email no later than 24 hours in advance of session start time to to be added to the list.

The session is scheduled to be on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Livonia Police Department, 15050 Farmington Rd, Livonia, MI 48154.

Please bring two forms of identification (one of which being a photo ID), your current license (if you already have a license), a photocopy of your current license (if applicable), a pen and two #2 pencils with erasers. If you do not have a photo ID, you can bring a Social Security Card, birth certificate, library card, utility bill (with your name and address), etc. You may also bring a non-programmable calculator, but using your phone is prohibited. 

The FCC no longer accepts Social Security Numbers on Form 605 as identification. Examinees should register in the CORES FRN Registration system (CORES – Login) and receive a Federal Registration Number (FRN) before exam day, which will be used for all license transactions with the FCC, including the FCC NCVEC 605 Form. The FCC CORES system can be accessed here:

The testing fee at the time of the exam is $15 and payment can be in the form of a check or money order (made out to ARRL), or cash. If you pass one exam, you may take the next higher exam for free. If you don’t pass and want to retake the exam, you will need to pay another $15 exam fee. 

However, as of April 19, 2022, a newly implemented $35 FCC fee will apply to new, modification (upgrade and sequential call sign change), renewal, and vanity call sign applications. The fee will be per application. 
Those going for a new license (not an upgrade) will pay the $15 exam session fee to the ARRL VE team as usual and then pay the $35 application fee directly to the FCC by using the CORES FRN Registration system. When the FCC receives the examination information from the VEC, it will email a link with payment instructions to each successful candidate. Check your spam folder for this email. The candidate will have 10 calendar days, from the date of the application file number being issued, to pay. After the fee is paid, and the FCC has processed an application, examinees will receive a second email from the FCC with a link to their official license. The link will be good for 30 days.

Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, will be exempt from fees.

Be advised that some information about you will be made publicly available on the FCC’s website, including name, mailing address, and felony conviction status, when a license is issued. 

Tip:  Before the exam, go to and take the exams you are intending to take at our session. Generally, if you can score more than 80% at least three times in a row, you’re ready. 

After the exam, you can check on the status of your license by going to the FCC License Search page entering your last name and state into the form, and clicking “Search.” Generally new licenses or upgrades are posted within two weeks of the exam. When you see your name, make sure the spelling and address are correct. 

Also try the UALR Callsign Database:


Mike, N8MR