ARRL Logging webinar Jan. 14

ARRL Webinar- Amateur radio electronic logging. Thursday Jan 14, 3:30p EST.
Amateur Radio Logging LIVE with Anthony Luscre, K8ZT.
Discover the advantages of keeping an electronic Amateur Radio Log. Find out why you may need more than one software program for logging-contesting, digital modes, special events, etc. Learn about using one full-featured logging program to pull everything together, interface with outside databases, handle electronic QSLing, etc. The discussion will include file formats, importing and exporting data between programs, submitting contest logs online and safe backup of data.

ARRL members can join the webinar tomorrow, Thursday January 14, 2021 @ 3:30 pm EST (2030 UTC).

About Chuck Reti

LARC Public Info Officer (PIO) and Board member. Extra Class, ARRL Member Licensed since Dec. 1961 Video Engineering Technician, Technical Director and Video Editor, CBS Detroit and Detroit Public TV Member Soc. of Motion Picture and Television Engineers