Antennas available (FREE) + other gear

Gary Trock, N8GT, is going to be relocating to QTHs far outside the metro area (but plans to stay on as a LARC member). He’s asked us to inform that he has some items available to club members, as follows:

Offering both FREE to any club member who may want them:
Antennas: Hustler 6BTV 6-band trap vertical, and, MFJ 1796 multi-band vertical. Just requires unbolting them from ground masts, and partial disassembly for transport (Located in W. Bloomfield).
Also for the taking, an older but little used Heathkit Oscilloscope.

As an aside (and not a sales pitch), I have a Kenwood TL922A KW linear with low hours. I was planning on taking it, but may want something more compact in the future. Before I move, if any members would want the linear  I would sell it for $750. I would also throw in a Kenwood TS 850S transceiver (100w 160-10M).

Manuals for the antennas, the linear, the 850 s and the scope.

Contact Gary by phone or text at (248) 933-9209, or by email at