Special Event: SSTV on N8SL Tuesday, March 18th at 7:00 pm (Open to all licensed Amateurs)
This month, we’ll reprise our very popular SSTV Extravaganza on the N8SL repeater! Participants can expect to have the opportunity to share themed images via Slow-Scan TV in a curated SSTV NET guided by N8JRD. If you attended our past event, we’re working hard to make this next event one that allows us to share more images (based on the great feedback we got from January’s participants. Some details are provided below, for those interested in joining us! Check out our last events images here on the club instagram (and follow us too!).
Setup information:
Frequency: N8SL Repeater (147.040 +shift, 110.9 Tone)
SSTV Image Format: TBD.
Software Recommended: MMSSTV 1.13A or Yoniq 1.13. macOS – Black Cat SSTV or MultiScan 3B
For phone/mobile device users, “Robot 36” app for Android, or “SSTV Slow Scan TV” app (Black Cat Software) for Iphone/Ios devices.
Duration of the Event: 1hr 30min (or until we run out of submissions)