Ring in 2021 on CW and RTTY!

This New Year’s weekend, there are some cool activities for CW and digi mode operators, that will definitely insure your social-distancing from pretty much everyone.

ARRLs traditional “Straight Key Night” starts Thursday night 12/31 at 7pm (0000 UTC Jan 1).
Besides using an old-school straight key, many ops lash together vintage gear for a bit of nostalgia.
info at: http://www.arrl.org/straight-key-night

From Amateur Radio Newsline:
AMSAT CW Activity Day 2021 New Year’s Day (UTC)
AMSAT CW Activity Day 2021, all day on Friday, January 1, 2021, starting at 0000 UTC (New Year’s Eve in North American time zones). Operate CW through any amateur radio satellite. Straight keys and semi-automatic keys (bugs) are encouraged. No logs are necessary, but AMSAT asks participants to post brief activity reports on the AMSAT bulletin board (AMSAT membership is not required). During this and all other satellite activity, use only the minimum power needed to complete contacts.
-Thanks to Ray Soifer, W2RS

ARRL RTTY Roundup:
While all digi modes will be in play, it’s fun to take a break and go back to RTTY for a fun contest experience. If you do use FT 8 or FT 4, remember there are special settings that must be made for this contest so proper exchanges will be sent/received. Info in the WSJTX User Guide.

About Chuck Reti

LARC Public Info Officer (PIO) and Board member. Extra Class, ARRL Member Licensed since Dec. 1961 Video Engineering Technician, Technical Director and Video Editor, CBS Detroit and Detroit Public TV Member Soc. of Motion Picture and Television Engineers