LARC in the Park, Saturday Oct. 12 – Portable Antenna Shootout

LARC in the Park is taking place on Saturday 10/12 at Bien Park around 9:30a, immediately following the club breakfast at the Senate.

The subject for the day is “Portable HF Antenna Shootout”. We’ll have a number of portable antennas to evaluate and discuss.

Additionally, the State of Michigan Simulated Emergency Test, or SET, is taking place on Saturday and participants in LITP may be asked to participate. Details on that will follow once the SET commences. Participation in the SET will be strictly voluntary.

NOTE: This is the final outdoor, “back to nature” LitP for this year. The November 9 LitP date will be the W8F Edmund Fitzgerald event at Dossin Great Lakes Museum; sessions December through March will be at the Livonia Police Dept, and must be restricted to LARC members only, a good reason to RENEW your membership for 2025! Contact Bill AD8WA or use the Join/Renew link here on the website!.

Let me know if you have any questions.
John T. Hopkins

Thanks to John K8YYZ and Joe KE8DOU for running the LitP programs for the club!

About Chuck Reti

LARC Public Info Officer (PIO) and Board member. Extra Class, ARRL Member Licensed since Dec. 1961 Video Engineering Technician, Technical Director and Video Editor, CBS Detroit and Detroit Public TV Member Soc. of Motion Picture and Television Engineers