SWAP Feb. 22 and MEETING Feb. 24 Info / updates

LARC SWAP is Saturday Feb. 22
Details on the website home page and in the February “Repeater”
Please use the web form to give us a time slot to help out with setup and staging this popular event.
Especially need helping hands on Saturday morning with setup.

If you couldn’t get a table or didn’t want to haul stuff around, check out using the CLUB TABLE, available as a “corkboard” space for LARC members (only) to sell or seek merchandise. No actual gear will be allowed on the table. Members should bring an 8×11 sheet with a description of their items and a photograph. Also, of course, provide name, callsign and contact information on the sheet.

Some revised directional hints (see map)
Vendors: Six Mile Road to Cross Road, to Vendor parking area and DOOR #6 which opens at 7 AM
Public: Haggerty Rd. to Cross Road, to public parking and DOOR #4, open no earlier than 8 AM

LARC membership business and elections meeting is Monday, Feb 24
Important summary of action items to be voted on, and info on the LOCATION for this meeting in the February “Repeater”

Club members were sent the Feb. “Repeater” via email. It can also be gotten at https://livoniaarc.com/download/larc-repeater-february-2025/