CUBESAT Demo Program July 7 at Livonia Library

AMSAT has loaned our club a working model of an amateur radio cubesat. This microsat was part of our recent display at the Livonia Civic Center Library. On Wednesday, July 7, LARC will provide a live demonstration and a hands-on Meet and Greet with this cubesat. We’ll also offer information on how to copy signals from and operate through available hamsats and via ARISS equipment onboard the International Space Station.
Date: Wed. July 7
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Livonia Civic Center Library Auditorium
NOTE: REGISTRATION is REQUIRED by the Library, as seating capacity is limited.
Use this link to the Library’s Event site.


A promotional flyer is attached, please feel free to print or send to fellow hams, non-hams, students, teachers, etc. who might have an interest in ham radio satellite communications.


About Chuck Reti

LARC Public Info Officer (PIO) and Board member. Extra Class, ARRL Member Licensed since Dec. 1961 Video Engineering Technician, Technical Director and Video Editor, CBS Detroit and Detroit Public TV Member Soc. of Motion Picture and Television Engineers